Relaxing Writing – An Autumn Workshop

J. L. Harland   •   January 9th, 2019

A bright and blustery day greeted us for our autumn workshop at the Rural Skills Centre. But, there’s magic afoot there. As soon as you step through the door calm descends. The perfect place to relax and explore ideas.

It’s a bit off the beaten track so we had a late start, waiting for everyone to arrive. It was relaxed and friendly as we chatted about memories and read poetry – an appropriate start to Remembrance Sunday. Writing, sharing memories and home baked food also helped.

After lunch we ventured out into unseasonable sunshine, exploring the landscape and enjoying the wildlife. Birdsong and distant traffic noise competed with each other. Some more writing, reading, coffee and cake and we were ready to go home again, relaxed, refreshed and with ideas to work on at home.

The next workshop will be a hybrid course. Scones and Scribbles is scheduled for 4th May 2019. We are going to use the new kitchens at the RSC to bake scones and, we hope, provide some recipes for writing as well.

We’d love to see you there.